Tennis is usually an outdoor sport played between two players for Singles or between two teams for Doubles. Players use a racket to strike the ball past the net into the opponent's court or area. Originating from the United Kingdom in the 19th century, modern day tennis was then usually called 'lawn tennis'. Today, tennis is an Olympic sport and has four Grand Slam events every year that are as follows: the Australian Open, the French Open, the Wimbledon, and the US Open.
To explain what a tennis field is, let's start by saying that a tennis field is the ground where you played tennis. It is typically referred to as a "court", and it is rectangular with the following dimensions - 78feet (23.77 m) long and 27 feet (8.23 m) wide for singles matches. For doubles matches, the court dimension is 78feet (23.77m) long and 36 ft (10.97 m). The net is placed 3 feet high in the center.
Tennis is not only played in one type of field or court. One can choose to play on grass court, clay, or hard court that is generally a concrete surface. Incidentally, to win all the Grand Slam tournaments, you have to play on different types of tennis fields - concrete in the Australian Open, clay court in the French Open, grass in the Wimbledon, and acrylic hard court in the US Open.
A tennis match is decided on the best of 3 or 5 sets. Basically, a set can be won by winning six games and players should get 4 points to win one game. Unique terms are used in tennis scoring. A zero point is called "love", while one, two, and three points are called "fifteen", "thirty", and "forty" respectively. If both players have 3 points and the scores are equal, it is called a "deuce". If, at this point in the game, a player scores one point more than his opponent, the game is "advantage" for the player leading in scores.
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